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During the Reconstruction Period following the Civil War, a freedmen’s community was established in this area called Averyville, named for the Pennsylvania minister and successful businessman Charles Avery, a longtime and faithful champion of Negro education.  Wilmer Walton, a Quaker missionary, moved to Stevenson and Averyville as early as 1865, opening a school financed by the Quaker “Friends’ Association for Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen”. Soon, some seventy-five students, both adults and children, were enrolled in Walton’s school. Another teacher and Quaker missionary, Henrietta Starkweather, succeeded Wilmer Walton at Averyville. This noble and pioneering effort to educate freedmen was short-lived; Ku Klux Klan violence, threats, and intimidation drove the teachers away by the early 1870s, and the school closed.

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Averyville School’s most notable student was William Hooper Councill (1848-1909), a former slave brought to Alabama in 1857. He attended Averyville School as a freedman, becoming a teacher himself by the end of his third year here. He moved to Huntsville in 1869 and opened the Lincoln Normal School to train black teachers. In 1873, Dr. Councill founded Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, using funds appropriated by the Alabama Legislature to train black teachers. Dr. Councill rose to state and national prominence, becoming an influential leader alongside Booker T. Washington and others.  His only formal education was here at the Freedman’s School at Averyville. Here the seeds of learning were planted which grew into Alabama A&M University, educating thousands of students to this day.
[2014: Is currently in storage. It will be erected at the corner of Old Mount Carmel Road and Ohio Ave, Stevenson]



Vital Memphis-Charleston railroad, "backbone of Confederacy," spanned Tennessee River here. Bridge burned several times, 1862-63. General Mitchell (U.S. Flag), occupying Huntsville after Battle of Shiloh, seized Bridgeport in April 1862 and held it until August. Federals recaptured town in July 1863 as Rosecrans (U.S. Flag) took Chattanooga (upriver). As end of usable railway from Nashville, town became key base of operations in U.S. victory at Chickamauga and lifting siege of Chattanooga.
[1965: AL 227 at Busbey Avenue 34.946467 N    86.725392 W]


Cedar Hill Cemetery


In November 1868, after the official records of Jackson County were relocated from Bellefonte to the new seat of government in Scottsboro, a campaign was begun for a new municipal cemetery here. Around 1876, Charlotte Scott Skelton, daughter of Scotts- boro’s founder, Robert T. Scott, donated the land for this cemetery. Owing to the reinternment of other cemeteries to this site because of land development projects, many markers in Cedar Hill predate its establishment. Some of Scottsboro’s prominent African American residents are buried in the north section of the cemetery.

On February 21, 1878, James Armstrong, editor of the Scottsboro Citizen newspaper, reported: “The Scottsboro Cemetery, where only six people have been interred, is a lovely spot, and, if improved and adorned with flowers, would be a most beautiful burial ground. The cemetery is on an elevated but gently sloped hillside, in the south- western part of town. Though set apart by town authorities as sacred to the burial of our dead, the site is nameless as yet.” In a letter to the Scottsboro Citizen in 1908, Evie BrownRobinson suggested calling the unnamed cemetery Cedar Hill.

The site is the final resting place for soldiers, politicians, novelists, celebrities, teachers, and others who in life contributed greatly to their community and the broader world.

[To be located in the center of Cedar Hill Cemetery, Scottsboro]

Crow Town


One of the Five Lower Towns established by the Chickamauga Cherokees in 1782 under the leadership of Dragging Canoe. Territorial Governor William Blount reported to the Secretary of War in 1792 that: "Crow Town lies on the north side of the Tennessee [River], half a mile from the river, up Crow Creek, 30 miles below the Suck. [It] is the lowest town in the Cherokee Nation and contained 30 huts in 1790. The Creeks and Northward tribes cross [the river] here."
All of the Five Lower Towns were on the extreme Cherokee frontier. Running Water was near Chattanooga and Nickajack was near Haletown, Tennessee. Long Island Town was twenty miles below the Suck, east of Bridgeport, Alabama. Lookout Mountain Town was near Trenton, Georgia.
Sponsored by the Jackson County Historical Association



Crow Town


Crow Town encompassed an area of several miles by the early 1800s as increasing numbers of Cherokee families settled here. With the creation of Jackson County in 1819, many of the Cherokees moved to the south side of the river - some 19th-century maps placed Crow Town near the southeast end of Snodgrass Bridge which takes Highway 117 across the Tennessee River east of Stevenson. The 1782 site of Crow Town, one-half mile from the confluence of Crow Creek and the original channel of the Tennessee River, was flooded with the closing of the spillway gates at Guntersville Dam in 1939.
Sponsored by the Jackson County Historical Association
[2008: Near 40447 US 72 (John T. Reid Parkway), Stevenson. In site of the Bridge over Crow Creek.

34.838922 N    85.832448 W]


Cumberland Mountain Road


This critical five-mile road connected Cumberland Mountain to the river valleys of the Paint Rock and the Tennessee. A feat of engineering and determination, its construction was part of a New Deal-era project to aid Jackson County residents left unemployed and destitute by the effects of the Great Depression. Probate Judge James Morgan Money, chair of the Jackson County ReliefCommittee, envisioned the project. Five thousand people, all on the county’s relief rolls, applied for jobs on the road project; 3,500 were hired.

Construction began in March 1933. For their labors the men were paid a dollar each day. No employee could work more than two ten-hour days per week, enabling the hiring of more workers. County leaders and local residents aided in the project. Judge Money purchased boots for the workers. Hal Cunningham, a farmer who lived near the base of Cumberland Mountain, supplied sweetpotatoes to feed the men.

One thousand people attended the November 1, 1933, opening ceremony. Its completion made possible the 1934 creation of the 18,000-acre Cumberland Mountain Farms Project, later known as Skyline Farms. This experimental farming community was an initia- tive of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. In operation until 1945, the farm left a legacy of self-reliance.

Sponsored by the Jackson County Historical Association

[County Road 21, Scottsboro]


Decatur County 


Created by an Act of the Legislature on December 7, 1821, Decatur County was comprised of portions of Madison and Jackson Counties. "Old Woodville," two miles north along County Highway 7, was designated as the County Seat. An 1823-'24 completed survey revealed that it did not contain the constitutionally required number of square miles. The county was abolished by an Act of the Legislature on December 28, 1825, and the territory was returned to Madison and Jackson Counties.
[1991: US Hwy 72 at County Road 7, Woodville 34.60728 N    86.26658 W]


Ebenezer Baptist Church


Ebenezer Baptist Church is the oldest church on the northern end of Sand Mountain. Its origins date back to an 1850s log church and school called Gordon Chapel. Renamed Ebenezer, the church became a member of the Tennessee River Baptist Association circa 1875. Pioneer preachers of the church included the reverends Z. H. Gordon, Thomas L. Quarles, J. C. Lambert, and Thomas J. (Tom) Smith. 

In 1909, the log church was replaced with a white, wood-framed building located on three acres of land donated by James Monroe and Millie Winters. In use for a half-century, the second structure burned on January 18, 1959. The congregation worshipped at the American Legion Hall until July 1960, when the church’s third sanctuary was completed. During the previous century, the church was affiliated at different times with the Lookout Valley (Georgia) Baptist Association and the Sand Mountain Baptist Association.


First Baptist Church, Scottsboro, Alabama


In September 1868, J. J. Beeson, a missionary for the Tennessee River Association, organized First Baptist Church.  At the time, it was affiliated with Center Point Baptist Church.  The congregation initially met in a building used by several other denominations. The church’s first sanctuary was built on this site in 1878.  A fire destroyed the structure in November 1949.  The present building was completed in 1953, with additions thereafter. Many congregants have been sent from this mission-minded church to proclaim the Gospel. Dedicated September 2018 on the occasion of the church’s 150th anniversary. 

[215 South Andrews Street]



Flat Rock High School, 1911-1929


In 1905, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, authorized Dr. Frank Gardner and his wife, Annie, to begin Flat Rock School. In 1911, Flat Rock High School formally opened. It was the only high school on Sand Mountain north of Albertville. The North Alabama Methodist Conference approved Dr. Gardner as the school superintendent and Robert H. Hartford to be the first principal. The school’s first graduation was held in 1912. 

In 1914, construction began on a two-story administrative building made of stone quarried from the property of Andrew Hogue. Completed at a cost of $12,000, the new building featured four recitation halls, a library, an office, and a large auditorium with opera-style seating. The auditorium hosted church services and school programs beginning in 1917. 

Flat Rock High School offered a classical curriculum which included instruction in foreign languages, as well as a diverse agricultural course of study. At its height, the 292-acre school campus included two dormitories, a library, vocational building, grist mill, and a sawmill. A church historian called the school “one of Methodism’s best.”

Other principals of the school were N. Homer Price (1913), Isaac Carlton (1915), Leon G. Alverson (1918-1921, 1926-1927), George W. Floyd (1921-1925), and William Marvin McDonald (1925-1926). The last superintendent was Dr. Samuel L. Dobbs (1928-1929). 

In the mid-1920s, the boys’ dormitory burned. A few years later, in 1929, the girls’ dormitory burned as well. After these setbacks, and diminished funding with the onset of the Great Depression, the school’s board of trustees reluctantly closed the school in 1929 and sold it to the State of Alabama. The Jackson County Board of Education later reopened it as a junior high school serving nine grades. 

Erected during the bicentennial of Jackson County and the State of Alabama. 
[788 County Road 326, Flat Rock]


The Gordon Family


The Rev. Zachariah H. Gordon (1794-1886) was a pioneer landowner, businessman, and settler of the area that became Bryant, Alabama. In the mid-1850s, Gordon moved his family from Walker County, Georgia, to an Alabama farm near the northern end of what is now Jackson County Road 89. The family started a church and school called Gordon Chapel soon thereafter. 

Living near the borders of three states, son John B. Gordon (1832-1904) wrote in his 1903 autobiography that before the Civil War began his family resided in Alabama, mined coal in Georgia, and received their mail at a post office in Tennessee. During the Civil War, John B. Gordon served with the “Raccoon Roughs,” rising to the rank of major general. After the war, he was twice elected to the United States Senate (1873 and 1891) and was Governor of Georgia from 1886 to 1890.

In 1863, Rev. Gordon sold his Cole City Hollow mining interests to the Castle Rock Coal Company and relocated to southwest Georgia. He died in 1886 and is buried in Linwood Cemetery in Columbus, Georgia. The first post office in Bryant, Alabama, opened in 1891, near Moore’s Gap.

Erected during the bicentennial of Jackson County and the State of Alabama. 
[134 County Road 90, Bryant]


Jones House

The Jones House was constructed in 1907 in the second subdivision recorded in the Scottsboro City Plat in 1889. The steep Pyramidal-roof, thin wooden columns, large interior chimney, and veranda that surrounds three sides exhibit overtones of the French Colonial Style. The house was purchased in 1909 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones, Sr. who maintained the residence until the death of Mrs. Jones in 1966. Their children were Rudolph, Cecil, and Ruth Jones, Sydie Jones Snodgrass, and Robert E. (Bob) Jones, Jr., who was born in this house on June 12, 1912.  A graduate of Jackson County High School and the University of Alabama School of Law, Robert E. Jones, Jr. was admitted to the bar on January 20, 1937. After practicing law in Scottsboro, he was elected judge of Jackson County in 1940.  He served in the U. S. Navy from December 1943 to February 1946, in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters, and as a member of the legal staff of General Douglas MacArthur.

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Robert E. Jones, Jr.

In 1946, Robert E. Jones, Jr. was elected to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives to fill Alabama's 5th Congressional District seat vacated by John J. Sparkman's election to the U.S. Senate. Elected to 15 consecutive terms, 1946-1976, Congressman Jones became Alabama's longest-serving Representative.  The Robert E. Jones Bridge that spans the Tennessee River east of Scottsboro was dedicated in his honor in September 1985. Congressman Jones is remembered for his ardent support of legislation leading to the expansion of the Tennessee Valley Authority, construction of the nation's interstate highway system, development of the U.S. Space program, protection of the environment, and construction of major public works that included the Kennedy Center of the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology, the National Portrait Gallery, and the Madison Annex to the Library of Congress. He retired to Scottsboro in 1977 where he lived until his death in 1997.
[2014: 414 Scott St., Scottsboro 34.66829 N    86.03144 W]


Phillip Hamman, Soldier & Early Alabama Settler


    Of German ancestry, Phillip Hamman was a Colonial-era scout and a Revolutionary War soldier hailed as the “Savior of Greenbrier” for his 1778 efforts to defend Ft. Donnally in present-day West Virginia. In 1780, he married Christina Cook (1763-1842). After nearly 40 years in Kentucky, they became early settlers of Jackson County in the 1820s, farming a large tract of land one mile north of this site. In 1827, Phillip Hamman helped organize the Friendship Church at Fackler and was ordained as its pastor. In 1972, the remains of Phillip and Christina Hamman were removed from family land and reinterred at the Valley Head Cemetery. 
[To be located along County Road 42, near Fackler]


Rev. Green Simpson


Green Simpson was born enslaved in Alabama between 1849 and 1853. A free man at the end of the Civil War, by 1870 Simpson was living in Notasulga, Macon County, with his mother, Judy, and young sister, Lucinda. He married Nettie Hart (died 1933) in 1871 in neighboring Tallapoosa County. The couple had fourteen children, eleven who survived to adulthood.

Simpson taught himself how to read and write and educated his own children. He briefly attended Tuskegee Normal and Indus- trial Institute and became a minister. He was politically active, civic- minded, a landowner, farmer, and community leader in Notasulga and Macon County. In an era characterized by racial violence and segregation, Rev. Green Simpson battled injustice where he found it.


Green Simpson died in November 1928 while visiting his daughter, a teacher, in Liberty, Georgia.




Children of Rev. Green and Nettie Simpson



Children                                Spouse


Phillip Simpson                     Lela Orange

Henry Hearst Simpson          Minnie Lee Vaughn Martha Simpson     James Macon

Anna Belle Simpson              Arthur Miller

Horace Simpson                    Olivia Carlis

William Rufus Simpson         Annie Louise Cummings Lilla Simpson   Grant Moss

Sallie Simpson                        Walter Mahone

Minnie Simpson                    John Ralston

Susie Simpson                       Oscar Atkins

Mamie Simpson                    Adolph Ohara


Erected by great-granddaughter Roberta Guice Mack on behalf of the descendants of Green and Nettie Simpson.

[To be located along County Road 37, near the intersection of County Road 60]


Robert Thomas Scott, 1800-1863


Planter, tavern operator, newspaper editor, legislator, and land developer, he sought in vain to have the Jackson County Seat moved from Bellefront to the settlement that bore his name. After his death in 1863, his widow reached an agreement in 1868 with the county government whereby the site for the courthouse and jail was deeded to Jackson County on condition that Scottsboro become the county seat. 
Incorporated by the state legislature on January 20, 1870, the town became an important commercial center and shipping point on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.

[1989: Courthouse lawn, East Laurel St., Scottsboro 34.67251 N    86.03403 W]




1760-1843. Inventor of system of characters representing syllables in Cherokee language. This give them the only written Indian language. Adopted here at Sauta in 1822, Cherokees used new written language to print the Bible, hymns and a newspaper namedCherokee Phoenix.
[Before 1965: U.S. Hwy 72, 5 mi. west of Scottsboro. Marker has been removed.]


Side one

Union Civil War Encampment in Scottsboro


In late December 1863, Union Maj.-Gen. John A. Logan established his Fifteenth Army Corps headquarters in Scottsboro, Alabama.  On January 11, 1864, by command of Gen. Logan, Brig. Gen. Hugh Ewing, commanding the Fourth Division, was ordered to guard the railroad and telegraph line from Scottsboro to Stevenson.  Gen. Ewing sent his First Brigade under the command of Col. Reuben Williams to Scottsboro, and it set up four separate regimental camps on either side of the Memphis & Charleston Railroad, adjacent to or within one block of the Scottsboro Depot.  The regiments under Col. Williams’ command included some 3000 men of the 26th Illinois, the 70th Ohio, the 12th Indiana, and the 97th Indiana, as well as an Illinois artillery battery.


Side two

Union Civil War Encampment in Scottsboro


After the war, Col. Williams returned to Indiana and established the Warsaw Daily Times.  In his 1904 Civil War memoir he included an in-depth description of the facilities created within the Scottsboro encampment and his troops’ military and social activities between December 26, 1863 and May 1, 1864.  In the early spring of 1864, Col. Williams coordinated a successful dance in a building located on Main Street (now Maple Ave.) that served as Scottsboro’s first school and church.  He wrote that the site was “large enough for the waltz and gavotte.”  The dance was attended by his officers and their visiting wives, enlisted men, and local ladies who were transported by “military ambulances” to the Scottsboro encampment.
[2013: At Depot, Corner of N. Houston and E. Maple St. Scottsboro 34.6751665 N    86.0368858 W]

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