Historical Markers Program
The Alabama Historical Association began sponsoring historical markers as early as 1950 and a standing AHA marker committee was created in 1952. The committee's duties are to encourage and assist interested parties in the purchase and erection of markers for historical sites. The committee also serves to check the accuracy of information carried in the proposed marker texts and to attest to a site's historic importance. The committee chair also facilitates ordering approved markers which are paid for by the sponsoring organization. The distinctive design of the Alabama Historical Association marker is a double-faced cast aluminum plate with a baked enamel finish. The plate has a deep blue background and the text is portrayed in gold letters. The insignia at the top is the Alabama flag.
Marker Refurbishment Options
The Alabama Historical Association assists in the refurbishment of up to five historical markers each year. The Association will pay 50 percent of the cost of refurbishing an existing AHA marker, up to $500. This program excludes total replacement of missing markers. It is administered by the committee chair with the consent of the AHA Executive Committee.